100th Edition
Favorite Issue Retrospective For our 100th edition, we decided to do a retrospective of our favorite issues from the past 100 issues. Coming up with our top issues seemed like a major endeavor, so we asked several of our avid readers to give us what they considered their favorites. With that information we put together...

Comic Con makes its Debut in Palm Springs
Be part of The Palm Springs Comic Con, a geek culture conference celebrating comic books past & present while embracing its diverse & multi-media future, August 26-28 at the PS Convention Center. Executive producers Chris Spellman, Brett Xavier and Rommel Chevez promise you a weekend you soon won’t forget. Along with panels, seminars, and workshops...

2013 Holiday Gift Guide Part 2
2013 Holiday Gift Guide Part 2 Monogrammed Carving Board Personalized with one carved initial, our carving board makes a welcome gift for your favorite barbecue chef.www.Williams-Sonoma.com The Talk Back Mimicking Mutt The plush mutt that repeats anything said to it in a cartoonish voice. Touch sensors located in his foot and belly yield grunts, whines,...

Book Review
In each issue of theStandard you will find “Always Overbooked…” the latest book reviews by Terri Schlichenmeyer.